Apple, papaya, pineapple, mango, pomegranate, mangoesteen
These are my special gifts for you today: a taste of fruit!
Have you ever tasted those fruit before?
How does it taste like? Sweet? Sour? don’t wanna taste it?
Why you decide not to take the fruit?
Tasting this unusual fruit is a little bit like believing in Jesus.
In the same way, God offers us the free gift of His Son.
Wait, free doesn’t always means cheap, ok?
It’s free, but not cheap.
Whether we choose to try new food isn’t important.
But it is important to believe in Jesus.
Have you ever known someone who doesn’t believe in Jesus?
Their reasons for not accepting God’s free gift maybe much like someone’s reason for not trying new food.
Maybe the person never heard of the new food.
Maybe the person is afraid to try believing in Jesus because they might not know anything about Him. (That’s one thing we can help!)
The bible says that it’s our job to keep telling others about the free gift of Jesus, even though some people may not ever believe.
We can tell people in our school, in our neighbourhood, family or in other parts of the world, where they may even never heard of the name Jesus.
Sometimes you may need to tell more than once, just like I offer u the fruit more than once. The important thing is to keep telling so that people know God’s free gift.